Tear Trough Fillers

Replace eye volume with tear trough fillers

Tear troughs are the areas of skin located under the eyes. As we age, they can become a concern for many patients due to the dark circles, bags and deep sunken look that often occurs. Unfortunately, these changes can also be hereditary, affecting the way we look and feel. Dermal fillers help replace the lost volume in depressed and dark tear troughs. Placed in the hollow skin under the eyes, fillers correct appearances using non-invasive treatments. Restoring volume and replacing the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Benefits of tear trough fillers

  • Safe and effective treatment
  • Instant and natural looking results
  • Made of natural ingredients
  • Non-invasive and non-surgical
  • Replace volume, elasticity and firmness of under eye skin

Treatment process

Performed with a cannula or needle, tear trough filler injections are placed just below the surface of the skin. These targeted injections plumping and tightening the under eye skin. The entire process will take approximately 30 minutes, with results visible immediately. Following treatment, you will be able to comfortably return to your daily routine and lifestyle. Results are expected to last around 12 months, however this timeframe can be affected by your lifestyle, age and skin tone. Overtime, the fillers will be broken down and absorbed safely by your bodies skin.

Before any treatment, all patients are required to discuss the procedure with one of our Registered Nurses. This FREE consultation will discuss your treatment goals as well as any potential side effects/risks associated. After your consultation, your tear trough filler treatment can be done on the same day, within the same appointment.

Tear trough filler packages

Due to recent updates in TGA guidelines, we can no longer advertise prices of cosmetic medical injectables on our website, but please call our fabulous reception team on 1800 4 REJUVA (735 882), or book a complimentary consultation to discuss your personal treatment plan in more detail.

Find out more

If you have any questions and queries about any of our services, or anything in relation to a procedure
feel free contact us at any point.